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This month-by-month guide shows what to expect from your German Sheperd's growth expectations. From birth to fully grown, we explore different factors that impact your dog's growth and development. We provide a growth chart and monthly breakdown of your dog's growth.

Southernwind always has recomended to mantin a fit weight on puppies while growing and be certain they get the adecuate excercise and prevent them froom Slipery floors, extended time locked in crates which may cause LOTS of Squeletal problems and weakenes of joints and hocks.

Be aware of growing Pains taht do happen when puppies are growing too fast.

The German Shepherd is a beloved dog breed. Known as loving, loyal, intelligent, protective, and hard-working, these dogs are also beautiful with soft multicolor coats. German Shepherds have a well-established reputation for being protective dogs while also being very gentle and loving with their human families.

Historically German Shepherds have been bred as work dogs and are still used in work with police, therapy, and as service dogs. However, they soon became beloved human companions due to their intelligence and sweet nature.

There is a lot involved with raising a German Shepherd as they grow quickly into large dogs and need a lot of attention and care. That playful puppy will soon be a much larger, even more, playful adult dog. Some German shepherds will grow faster than others, and no two dogs develop on precisely the same timeline. Because we know that this breed grows into a larger-sized dog, it is a great idea to keep track of growth and milestones to make sure they are on the right track for normal development.

  • 1 What To Expect

  • 2 Reminders

  • 3 Puppy Growth Timeline

  • 4 Full Grown German Shepherd

  • 5 Growth Chart

  • 6 Factors To Consider

    • 6.1 Genetics

    • 6.2 Nutrition

    • 6.3 Growth Spurts And Plateaus

    • 6.4 Physical Health

    • 6.5 Spay And Neutering

  • 7 Frequently Asked Questions

  • 8 Final Thoughts

This is a comprehensive guide to your German Shepherd’s growth from puppyhood to full growth.

We start by looking at what to expect each month and looking at the statistics of an average full-grown German Shepherd. We provide a growth chart of the breed’s normal development to use as a quick reference point as your puppy ages. Then, we take a quick look at the varied factors that can impact your pup’s health as it grows. Finally, we address some of the most frequently asked questions about the German Shepherd’s expected growth. Let’s get started.

What To Expect

Puppyhood is the most critical stage of development for your puppy. This time is precious, and it is great to be as prepared as possible to ensure a long healthy life for your pup. Growth charts are great tools for reference, but they cannot tell everything about how to raise this specific breed. Learn all about caring for your dog to keep them happy, healthy, and on the right path to normal development. Before we start the puppy growth timeline, we should go over a few reminders.


This guide explores the average growth patterns of a typical German Shepherd. Remember that your puppy may not grow on the same exact timeline. As with many other large breeds, German Shepherds are not considered fully developed until they reach 18 months. Males and females will both continue to fill out after this time.

Growth will depend on several factors, including your dog’s nutrition. What foods you are feeding him, and how much will impact his overall health and weight, and development? Make sure your dog is not playing too rough or getting into things that can cause him injury.

Every dog is unique and will be its own size, regardless of what growth charts and guides say. If you are worried about your dog or feel that he is not developing normally, talk to your veterinarian.

Puppy Growth Timeline

German Shepherds are independent, but they are well known for attaching themselves to one person, and never leaving their side.

We discuss some of the most important things to know about caring for your larger breed pup at each stage. Puppies will grow rapidly, so keep a close eye on them as they move through new growth each month.

Birth to 2 Weeks

When they first arrive, puppies are very vulnerable. These first three weeks after birth, puppies are blind and deaf and depend on their mother to survive. They will open their eyes, learn to eat, use the bathroom, crawl, and walk in the first three weeks of life. At birth, males and females will be roughly the same size.

  • Male puppies weigh around 4 to 8 pounds.

  • Female puppies weigh around 3 to 5 pounds.

1 Month

Around three weeks to one month, puppies start to socialize with the other dogs, pets, and humans that they live with. They will still be with their mother most of the time but will learn to trust and interact with humans. This is especially important as they need to get comfortable with humans. Puppies will become steadier on their feet. They will also start to grow teeth, so be ready for some chewing! At this time we start the Sensory works with puppies

  • Male puppies weigh 5 to 9 pounds.

  • Females weigh 4 to 10 pounds.

2 Months

Puppies need to stick close to mom for the first eight weeks or so of life. She provides them with nutrition, keeps them clean, and gives them comfort. They will stay on mother’s milk until about eight weeks when their stomachs can start to handle mushy and soft puppy food. Somewhere between one and two months, puppies will need to begin vaccinations.

Training can start even now, your puppy is learning appropriate behaviors as he learns to explore more of the world. Leash training and crate training are good to start now and will instill in him the recognition of human commands. Grooming should also begin. Your pup will need regular brushing, at least two or three times a week.

  • Male puppies weigh 10 to 20 pounds.

  • Females weigh 10 to 16 pounds.

3 Months

By three months of age, puppies should be eating Dry Food recomended by the Breeder and be weaned from milk. This is a perfect time to think about house training the little guy. Puppies may start nipping at human and canine playmates around this age. Put a stop to that as soon as you can. Obedience training and K9 Structure starts now, and he needs to know what behaviors are not appropriate. He will be teething and will like to chew. Those teeth are sharp so provide plenty of chew toys.

  • Male puppies weigh 20 to 30 pounds.

  • Females weigh 18 to 25 pounds.

4 Months

Your pup will now be a fast-moving ball of energy and add in size quickly. He will be ready for trips in the car and more time spent walking and socializing with others and their humans. He may act like a human child, curious, constantly learning new things, hiding places, and finding mischief.

House training should be started by now, and if you haven’t, this is the perfect time to get your puppy used to other dogs and humans. If you are not experienced in training a big dog or feel like you need more guidance, now is an excellent time to find professional training options. He needs to learn how to behave around other dogs and humans, and while some behavior may be cute on a puppy, they can be destructive and even threatening in an adult dog.

  • Male puppies weigh 30 to 40 pounds.

  • Females weigh 25 to 30 pounds.

5 Months

Your puppy will be growing quickly now, with a lot more weight on him than just a few weeks ago. He will still be learning how to behave and is always picking up new things. Patience is key here. He will need lots of positive reinforcement and direction to understand what is ok and what is not.

Puppies are full of energy and love at this age and will want a lot of your attention. He will be eating three or more full meals a day and needs high-quality fuel to keep that growth on track. German Shepherds shed their baby fur right around this time, so you may notice more hair around the house.

  • Male puppies weigh 40 to 49 pounds.

  • Females weigh 30 to 40 pounds.

6 Months

Your puppy will no longer look like a little fluffy ball. He will start looking more like a big dog but is still growing physically and mentally. He will want to play all day and all night. However, he is still growing and developing, so he will need adequate rest time.

Even if he wants to keep going, make sure he gets downtime. Too much exercise while growing so fast can result in issues like hip dysplasia. While his internal organs may be fully developed, he is still growing in body size. He should have a complete set of adult teeth around this time.

This is about when you will need to consider spaying and neutering if you do not plan to breed. Your puppy will reach sexual maturity between now and 16 months. Talk to your vet about the best time to take this next step. If you have an intact female dog that has reached sexual maturity, be wary of pregnancy. It is not healthy for a puppy to be pregnant, as she is not yet done growing herself.

  • Male puppies weigh 50 to 55 pounds.

  • Females weigh 40 to 48 pounds.

7 Months

Your puppy will be well set in his routine and behaviors by this age. He can take long walks and will be very energetic. He will need a lot of activity and will want a lot of your attention. You may start seeing some separation anxiety if you haven’t already. He will begin to look less like a puppy and more like an adult dog, though his maturity level will not be that of a full-grown dog. Reinforce training at this time. German Shepherds can be stubborn adolescents and may try to test limits

  • Male puppies weigh on average 50 to 62 pounds.

  • Females weigh anywhere from 45 – 53 or more pounds.

8 Months

Your puppy will continue to grow and should be well accustomed to proper behavior and routine. Ensure he has ample room and entertainment, especially if leaving him for long periods. Because he may get rambunctious if left alone for too long, try to have someone check on him regularly.

  • Male puppies weigh in the range of 62 to 68 pounds.

  • Females weigh around 53 – 58 pounds.

9 Months

Your dog will be more mature; however, they are still growing and will not act like an adult dog most of the time. He will need regular exercise, at least 45 minutes a day. Playtime and human attention are essential. Keep up those positive behavior rewards. Puppies are still growing at this stage and should still be eating puppy-formulated food to make sure they get proper nutrition.

  • Male puppies weigh about 65 to 70 pounds.

  • Females weigh in the range of 55 to 60 pounds.

10 Months

You will see less and less apparent physical growth now, as your pup is reaching closer to full growth. He will still fill out and put on weight at a much slower pace than when he was a baby. Response to verbal commands should be good. If obedience is an issue, ask your veterinarian about different training options. Your dog will need regular exercise and plenty of playtime at home. Keep a wide variety of chewing options and toys to keep him out of trouble. Outside time is great for big dogs like German Shepherds. They get bored and destructive inside, so make outdoor access a priority.

  • Male puppies weigh 66 to 75 pounds or more.

  • Females weigh anywhere from 55 to 60 or more pounds.