Loss of a pet our emotions -:ink to Video
Having been involved in the dog world for over 60 years, i have personally gone through the hard and hurtful emotions of losing that Special One who was our Companion and Loyal Friend for so many years, we get many calls from people asking us if we feel they should get another Pet and how to deal with it?

I can say that Losing a beloved pet, a cherished family companion, is a deeply emotional and challenging experience for any dog owner. The process of mourning and healing can be different for everyone, but it typically involves several stages.
The first stage we go through is grief and shock. When we lose our loyal friend, we may experience a range of emotions such as sadness, disbelief, and even anger. It's important to give ourselves permission to grieve and acknowledge the pain of the loss.

Then The next stage is reflection and remembrance. We begin to reflect on the wonderful memories and moments we shared with our beloved pet. We cherish the bond we had and hold onto the love and joy they brought into our lives. It's common to look through old photos, share stories, and find comfort in remembering the unique personality and presence of our departed companion.
As time passes, healing starts to take place. We begin to accept the reality of their absence and gradually find ways to cope with the void they left behind. Healing doesn't mean forgetting; it means finding a way to honor the memory of our beloved pet while also moving forward. Each person has their own way of healing, whether it's creating a memorial, writing a letter, or finding solace in support groups or counseling.

Eventually, the question of whether to get another dog arises. It's important to remember that each pet is unique, and no new furry friend can ever replace the one we lost. However, the presence of a dog in our lives can bring immense joy, companionship, and fill the emptiness we feel. Opening our hearts to a new dog doesn't mean we forget or replace the one we lost; it simply means we have enough love to share with another furry companion.

When considering a new dog, it's important to take the time to heal and grieve fully. It's a personal decision that should be made when we feel ready to welcome a new member into our family. The new dog will bring its own personality and charm, and while they may not replace our departed pet, they will create their own special place in our hearts.
In the end, the love we have for our departed pet and the love we have for a new dog can coexist. They are both cherished and remembered in their own way, and the memories of our beloved pet will always stay in our hearts. Opening our hearts to a new dog is a testament to the resilience of love and our ability to give and receive love unconditionally.