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Dog and Puppies Myths and Fallacies

Having been breeding for over 48 years we have many many stories to write about, the incredible amount of Myths and fallacies that surrounds the Dogs and Puppies is really way overboard to be able to describe in one single article, but we will try to be the most concise possible on the most common challenging "Dog Myths" stories we have experienced throughout these years of breeding, Training and raising puppies and Dogs. Call them legends or even "old wives tales," but don't call them facts. Some of these sayings about dogs have been around for centuries. In reality, many are simply myths that amount to bad advice. Here are some of the biggest misconceptions about dogs that just won't die.

Lets start with the first one that really got my mind in a swirl, "I want to know which was the first puppy that was born in this litter, we know he is going to be the best one"!.. OHH-HOOO??? Am I hearing well ? Were this idea of the first born is the best? the Best in what? were did this idea was preconceived? So because he was the first one to come out of the mother womb he is the best one? So it means that your first born child is the Best of your kids?

One thing that can always spark a conversation in my family is birth order. Of course, my older brothers always say they are smarter and better at everything because they were born before my sister and me. Thinking about it, I wondered if birth order matters in dogs.

Some studies I looked at aver that the order of birth can dictate some of the qualities and physical attributes a puppy has. In that case the closer to the middle of the litter, the better.

You would think that the biggest pup would be the first born but the size of the pup doesn’t always correlate with the birth order. Many times the largest is born last or the smallest born first. Vitality in a pup depends on placement in vitro.

If a pup has a premier spot in the uterus they thrive. Runts of the litter had the misfortune of having a poor implantation site which means they don’t get the nutrition they need. They are the smallest and struggle for mom’s attention after birth. But this doesn't mean they can turn out to be the toughest ones and bigger ones, for they have to fight to get to mothers milk and creates a stronger will to survive. The truth is Just like humans a lot depends on how a dog is raised and treated. If you are looking for a life-long friend you have to be one too.!

" A warm nose or dry nose means the dog is sick and might have a fever"

This one is probably the biggest dog health myth around. Somewhere along the line, people came to the conclusion that a cold, wet nose is a sign of a healthy dog and a warm or dry nose is a sign of illness.

Like many myths, the origins of this are not definitively known but are likely rooted in fact. Canine distemper is a deadly virus that was once quite prevalent. One symptom of advanced distemper is hyperkeratosis (thickening) of the nose and footpads. Basically, the nose and pads of the feet become hard and dry. Back when distemper was more widespread, a cool, wet nose was considered a good sign that the dog did not have distemper. While canine distemper still occurs, it is far less common today due to vaccinations.

The temperature and moisture of your dog's nose are not miracle measurements of his health. For instance, a dog's nose is often dry and/or warm if he has just woken up, and this is perfectly normal. However, a nose that is persistently dry and crusted might be a sign of a health problem. If you notice an abnormal appearance to your dog's nose or any other

signs of illness, contact your vet right away.

"Dog Mouths Are Cleaner Than Human Mouths"

Some of us may recall hearing this as kids, particularly if a dog licked your face or sampled whatever you were currently eating. "Don't worry about it! Didn't you know that a dog's mouth is cleaner than yours?"

The idea that dogs' mouths are clean was probably surmised by the fact that dogs lick their wounds and sometimes heal faster because of it. In reality, if a wound heals faster after a dog licks it, that's because his rough tongue has been removing dead tissue and stimulating circulation, much like a surgeon would debride a wound. On the other hand, licking wounds can sometimes cause more harm than good by introducing bacteria and/or irritating the wound. Guess the people who came up with this myth did not consider the dog wounds that did not heal properly.

A dog's mouth contains plenty of germs, not to mention other "icky" things. Think about the stuff your dog eats off the ground and out of the trash or the things he licks off of himself. Plus, many dogs do not get their teeth brushed as regularly as people, so there is the dental tartar and bacteria to consider (as if doggie breath didn't give this away). Overall, a dog's mouth contains more germs than anyone wants to think about. The good news is that these germs are usually dog-specific and unlikely to cause any harm to humans.

If you keep your dog healthy, dewormed and up-to-date on vaccines, there is little to worry over. Better yet,

take care of your dog's teeth and there's even less going on in that mouth.

"Don't get a puppy from a litter kept outside"

If all breeders had big houses, it would be possible to sacrifice one room, preferably with a door leading directly outside, for the litter - but in the real world, not everyone has the space.

A little dog with a small litter of two or three puppies might be able to stay indoors, but large breeds with high numbers of puppies simply can't be kept in the average house once they start to get mobile. Puppies reared in a kennel and run, or a barn, have not necessarily been neglected. Most good breeders keep puppies indoors for the first three weeks or so, and then they go outside into a safe area so that they have more space to romp about. As long as they enjoy plenty of socializing and stimuli, and their surroundings are clean, the outdoor litter is perfectly well raised.

However, if the pups have been shut away and not received anything other than basic care, indoors or outside, they will not be ideal to buy because they will have lacked essential socialization and life experiences.!

"Choose the first puppy that comes up to you"

they also say, this puppy chose me OHH NOO... If you like a bold dog, this is the one to choose - but bold dogs don't fit in with everyone, and the pup needs to live with you and any other dogs you have. Many times people come to visit and different puppies come to check them out, and if they come 7 days, maybe on the 7 days, 7 different puppies may come to greet you, this means you will take the 7 puppies?

Normally a well-socialized litter comes bundling up to investigate, has a good bounce around you, and then the pups potter off to do puppy things together. One puppy may stay behind to interact with you on its own, and this is the one who may has chosen you. So it isn't the first puppy to approach, but rather the last one to leave, which it may be the one for you. And if that isn't the one you like, then choose the one you prefer instead.

Often, the breeder will direct you towards a puppy who they think will fit in best with your family - which is always worth considering as good breeders spend a lot of time with their puppies and know them well. For this reason we always want our puppy families to fill out our Puppy Request Forms, this way we can come to know better the needs and expectancies for these future puppies families.

"Refuse any puppy who doesn't like being picked up"

Are you kidding? It's really scary for puppies to be picked up. There are times when puppies have to be picked up, such as for worming and nail trimming, but they should be placed on a table while this is being done. To be hoisted into the air right up to a big, starry-eyed, grinning human face can be very upsetting to a puppy. I get people to sit down and cuddle the puppy at its own level. Puppies can be very wriggly, and I don't want one dropped. It is seldom necessary to pick up a puppy, and they are entitled not to like it.

"Don't take the last puppy"

The last puppy isn't necessarily a dud who everyone else has refused. There has to be a last puppy, and different puppies in the litter suit different households and owner personalities. The last one in a good litter might be better than the whole of a less good litter. If you like the last puppy, and it likes you, don't be put off by all the other puppies having been chosen first.

The list goes on and on, so many myths and fallacies we would be writing for days! So you see, while all these popular ideas have their roots in common sense, they should not be taken as rigid instructions to be obeyed implicitly. By choosing a good breeder, you know the puppies will be from good stock and well raised, so all you have to do is choose the one you like best.

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